Before & After
Replace Recessed Lighting Projects – Before and After
Flip the switch and replace recessed lighting in your home with a recessed light conversion that you can easily customize to your own style. For example, just look at all the great project photos our customers have completed and submitted in their quests to replace recessed lighting! These real customer’s recessed light conversion makeovers will get you inspired with lighting ideas you can do yourself and answer the question “how to convert a recessed light into a hanging pendant?”, chandelier, track lighting, or even a ceiling fan.
Get DIY tips and design ideas from people just like you that have used The Can Converter to replace recessed lighting in their home.
Learn how to replace recessed lighting into a hanging pendant, chandelier, ceiling fan, or a string of swag lights. The Can Converter recessed light conversion kit gives you the freedom to explore which option will work best for your situation.
There are so many different types of lighting out there, why not create your own unique design? In just minutes and you can convert a humdrum can light into something chic and stylish.
One very popular spot for replace recessed lighting is the kitchen. You can easily learn how to convert a recessed light in a hanging pendant over a kitchen island or dress up your foyer with a recessed light conversion that transforms a boring canister light into a sparkling chandelier. Using The Can Converter, you can even replace recessed lighting for ceiling fans or track lighting in your den or family room, all without breaking your budget.
Congrats to our Most Recent Contest Winner,
Kristin A.

Additional Before & After Recessed Light Conversion Photos using The Can Converter

Amy S.
Bill I.

Michael T.
Kristin A.

Ted K.
Shiv K.

Steve V.
B. F.

Bradley E.
Jeffrey F.